Posts Tagged ‘fall’

Help! My garden needs to be put to bed

20131109-190602.jpgReally, really, REALLY have got to find time to get in the garden and clean it up for winter.

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Preparing the garden for winter

Plant crocus bulbs. Check.

Put away tomato cages and garden stones. Check.

Pull out dried-up tomatoes, marigolds, beans and other spent plants. Check.

Till garden. Check.

It’s been a busy couple days for this booyah gardener. In the past, fall garden work has mostly meant finding time on weekends to rip out the dried-up plants and throw the cages in the garden shack. This year though, I actually planned ahead a bit, took a week of vacation from my paying job in hopes the weather would cooperate and I’d be able to spend more time cleaning up the garden before winter.
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A soggy but successful Sunday

Extremely yucky morning. Rainy and windy. Generally nasty. Especially if the plan is to watch your daughter play soccer. But I can’t complain about the rain because we need it and have to take it when it comes these days. So here I am. Sitting in the car waiting for soccer to begin and catching up with Garden Booyah. Continue reading

Bulbs ordered for my new flower garden — I hope!

So I’ve been slacking this past week. Meant to get all my bulbs ordered, but I had problems with two separate websites. When I called one of the companies, I was told there were problems with the Internet ordering system and was asked to try back another day. The other company’s sale ended that day, so I resorted to good old snail mail.

20120329-212628.jpg I’m curious to find out whether they’ ll honor the sale. I did get envelope postmarked by the sale’s end date after all.

I’ve never ordered bulbs via a company’s website (hell, I’ve never ordered bulbs!), so I don’t have any experience as to whether the Internet ordering issues are common. I order plenty other stuff via online (including the new iPad I’m writing this post with), and 99 percent of my experiences have been good.

Anyway, about the actual bulbs. I spread out my catalogs on the floor and started placing cut-out photos of the ones I thought would work on a dry-erase board. I tried to pick a variety of colors and types (Helenium Red Jewel, above) that would bloom at various points of the spring/summer/fall in order to have color all season long. I tried to figure in flowers of a descending height from back to front of the space, too.

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